CS PREMIERE | Tobtok — Higher ft. Emil Heró (Televisor Remix)

Higher | Televisor Remix Past a pair of excellent back-to-back remix releases for Golden Coast and Icona Pop, Amsterdam/London duo Televisor are out with yet another, and we think it's safe to say they're on a hot streak. Today we're honored to be bringing you their brand new take on Higher, the brilliant single from Swedish producer Tobtok, and a fellow member of the Perfect Havoc family. Much to our delight, the guys have brought their blazing nu-disco style in full force, delivering an earful of adventurous weekend inspiration through an array of invigorating charges and sleek breaks. Their signature mix of heavy electronic and funky grooves compliments the originals bright vibes to perfection, elevating it to a new level, and providing what we couldn't imagine as a better soundtrack to this 80º heatwave we're currently experiencing out here in SF. Have a listen exclusively below, and let this one take you away.

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Cameron Brocksen