CS Premiere | Chordashian — The One feat. Great Good Fine Ok

Chordashian-TheOne December is now upon us and along with it comes that inescapable winter chill, but luckily our Brooklyn brothers Chordashian are here to keep things toasty. Following up the stellar release of their first original in a year, Bye Bye, this past September, the duo look to keep the momentum rolling through to the New Year with a new collaboration featuring fellow Brooklyn–based Great Good Fine Ok. Staying true to their signature sound the guys have delivered a blissful, dance–inducing jam, this time with a distinct house twist. Crisp synth notes and a buoyant bassline seek to jump start the track alongside GGFO's ace vocal work, seamlessly joined by an invigorating piano melody and percussive backbeat that really set things off. To put it another way, if you aren't already having a fantastic day, one listen and you will be. If you haven't brushed aside that mandatory pile of work in order to daydream of that special someone in your life, you're about to. We're just going to take the leap and say it, this is probably our favorite material Chordashian's ever come out with. So keep your ears perked in 2016, because it's sure to hold even more gems where this one came from.

The track is out today for free download via Chordashian's Soundcloud here. Slap those headphones on, check your peripherals and get jamming.

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Cameron Brocksen