Fareoh — Fight For You (feat. Ethan Thompson)

Fareoh-Fight-For-You With the surge of trendy genres (looking at you deep and tropical house) and lack of originality in mainstream electronic these days, we've certainly seen our fair share of producers stray from the sound we've come to know them for in order to stay relevant. Which is why NYC-based producer Fareoh's latest effort, Fight For You, is such a breath of fresh air. Though a divergence from his rise in the progressive channels, this switch up is one that forges it's own path rather than following that of others, and we've got to commend him for it. With the help of Ethan Thompson, who's spotless vocals make for a perfect addition, Fareoh takes us on an funk–infused journey through myriad instrumentation, including driving percussion, plucky bass, and massive guitar riffs, not to mention those crisp piano chords at the breakdown. We don't get too hyped for this style of electronic often anymore, but there's something tangible and tastefully cinematic about this one, and that gives us hope. Take the track for a spin below, then grab your copy via iTunes or Beatport.

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Cameron Brocksen