My Type Germany's SAINT WKND is quickly becoming one of our favorite producers. Past the release of his ace single Positive Vibe, which was a big hit in The Jam Jar 105, he's back at with an inventive new remix of SAINT MOTEL's My Type, coming as a thanks for hitting 50k strong on Soundcloud. We first laid our ears on this one via the debut of his new EXPLORED/SELECTED mix series, and haven't been able to get its clever arrangements out of our heads since. The track oozes an energetic sensuality, a combination not easily pulled off, but which works flawlessly here. Catchy vocal lines and strong keys intermingle within an array of peaks and valleys creating an exhilarating, though all too brief, escapade. Toss this one on repeat and get your day grooving right.

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Cameron Brocksen