Sirma — Trigger (Pat Lok Remix)

Sirma | Pat Lok Remix Lookout everybody because Pat Lok is coming in H O T. The Vancouver-based producer just released a brand new remix today, and it's currently duking it out with his Kiss Kiss rework for the top spot on our list. He's really outdone himself on this interpretation of Trigger by Istanbul singer Sirma, who if you're curious happens to be a traditionally trained pianist. Bringing us classic PL with a slight variance, he's expertly worked the vocals around a finely layered soundscape, as has become an apparent talent of his. But it's clear he's let himself explore a bit too, stretching our perception with a strong piano build that drops into a decidedly wonky bassline and really kicks things into gear. Pat has a habit of creating tracks we always find instantly intriguing and quickly familiar, which puts them in our daily rotation without question — and you definitely won't be findng any complaints about that over here. Wrap your ears around this jam now.

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