Indian Summer — Shiner ft. Ginger & The Ghost

Indian Summer | Shiner Melbourne's Indian Summer, who we've come to know for their emotive, undeniably off-kilter style which they often aptly label as 'Get Weird', have flipped the script with their latest single, Shiner, featuring Missy of Ginger & The Ghost. They've tapered their usual big bass kicks back, just a bit, on this one, letting the haunting soundscape and lush vocals really drive the track for what's easily one of their most flawlessly executed productions to date. It's a successful shift, and one we'll most definitely be championing. The tune will be released, alongside a B-side Palm Kings, via Sweat It Out! tomorrow, July 11. We'd suggest grabbing a copy in time for the weekend. And then throwing it on repeat for the rest of Summer.

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