CS Premiere | July Child — Kinda Close

July-Child-Kinda-Close We're kicking the week off with a brand new one this morning, courtesy of UK duo July Child, which we've been eagerly awaiting to premiere for you. The pair have garnered much attention from both sides of the pond over the past year via their excellent covers and originals, such as reworks of Le Youth's C O O L and J. Cole's Power Trip. Today they return with their latest release Kinda Close, an upbeat, soul-infused jam complete with buoyant bassline, bright piano stabs and a warm vocal sample taken from NEXT's '97 classic. It's clear from the first few notes this one's bound for greatness, and it's equal parts 90s house and R&B vibe only affirm that the whole way through.

There's to come from July Child, as the duo are currently living in L.A. working with a handful of talented producers and writers to fine-tune their sound, with aim for an album release come summer 2016. For now though, tune into the stream of Kinda Close below, and pick up a free download here.

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Cameron Brocksen