CS PREMIERE | Kerri Watt — Long Way Home (Tobtok Remix)

long-way-home-tobtok-remix Since we first laid our ears on his remixes of artists like Junior Senior and Foxe Basin, Tobtok's rise has been clearly inevitable and immensely enjoyable to watch. The Swedish producer's polished blend of nu-disco, house and indie dance is amazingly consistent and only getting better, with recent original releases such as Shelter and Higher a testament to just that.

Today we've got the premiere of a brand new remix from him, of Scottish singer/songwriter Kerri Watt's Long Way Home, and it's a great display of that feel–good style we've come to know and love. Watt's vocals posses a certain magnetism, and rather than play down or alter those, Tobtok does well to elevate them here. Kicking in with a shimmering backbeat and light keys, he delivers an infectious, warm weather energy that doesn't let go the whole way through, especially as the crescendo takes shape and we're hit with that soaring, funk–infused bassline. With yet another stellar release in this, and a track record that boasts impressive production depth, you can definitely expect to see a lot more of Tobtok in the future. For now, tune into the remix below.

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Cameron Brocksen