Mike Mago — Deeper Love

mike-mago-deeper-love We've been avid fans of Mike Mago and all things Bmkltsch for a number of years now, and as of late it seems like we're having trouble listening to much else. The Dutch producer has fully invaded our airwaves through a string of tastefully crafted mixes, remixes and incredible originals, the most recent of which is this absolute gem, Deeper Love. Combining his penchant for slick house grooves and infectious vocals, the track delivers a gloss of enchanted keys and lively progressions creating an unquestionable winner from the very first spin.

Out July 31st via Spinnin' Deep, don't hesitate to scoop this one up, as it's sure to stun even the stiffest of dancefloor skeptics into full body movement.

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Cameron Brocksen