Zimmer — Escape (ft. Emilie Adams)

Escape-Zimmer After a stellar release in Saturday Love, his collaboration with fellow French producer Pallace, our Parisian friend Zimmer has returned this week with the first single off of his forthcoming 'Coming Of Age' EP. Escape delivers thoughtful arrangements and polished melodies entwined with Norweigan singer Emilie Adams spotless vocals, a seamlessly crafted combination that gives the impression Zimmer's creating exactly what he wants to be right now. It feels fresh, and to us that's what his music is all about, blending select elements from house, disco, and more to create something contemporary yet familiar. It's this forward thinking, but sure of his sound, approach that's enabled his work to be so consistent up to now, and though we didn't think a level up was possible, here we are. Listen to the excellent new single below and enjoy.

The four–track EP is set for release July 10th via Roche Musique, his debut on on the label. Don't miss it.

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Cameron Brocksen