CS PREMIERE | Echosmith — Bright (Lost Kings Remix)

Bright | Lost Kings Remix LA duo Lost Kings, made up of Dr. No and Robert Gainley, have covered a lot of ground recently, seeing success through remixes for Gorgon City, Halsey, Thief and more. They effortlessly span genres both in production style and remix choice, with a penchant for feel–good prevalent throughout, making one thing clear, the duo likes to have a good time. That sentiment shines through in full force on their latest work, an official remix for LA–based alt–pop outfit Echosmith, which we've got the premiere of for you today.

The guys have outdone themselves on this one, elevating the folk–leaning original to another level through a vibrant and uplifting indie house atmosphere. Resonant keys, timely claps and snappy percussion breathe new life into singer Sydney's vocals, delivering what might just be the most infectious track you've heard in awhile. Grab your shades, at least two pitchers of Mojitos, a few friends if you'd like, and give this jam a spin or ten.

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Cameron Brocksen