The M Machine — Don't Speak (Manila Killa Remix)

Don't Speak | Manila Killa Remix We've long been impressed with The M Machine's creative output and boundary pushing, and admittedly have an affinity towards them seeing as they hail from San Francisco. So when we saw the first remix from their Don't Speak remix EP was by none other than Manila Killa, we knew it was going to be something special. The DC-based producer, one half of Hotel Garuda, and founding member of the Moving Castle collective brings his myriad inspirations and influences together on this one, delivering what's possibly our favorite work from him yet. Forward-thinking beats and electro flares intermingle within a balmy tropical atmosphere, for a versatile track that's constantly shifting yet somehow held together brilliantly.

Catch the tune below, and look out for more from Manila Killa soon. You should also catch The M Machine on tour supporting Madeon if you have the chance, dates here.

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