Panama Wedding - All Of The People (option4 Remix)

Panama-Wedding-All-Of-The-People-Remix There are few things better than witnessing the success of a friend, and thanks to our good bud option4, who's been steadily establishing himself with a consistent run of genre-blending tunes, we've had the pleasure of doing exactly that over the past year. With each new release we know not only that we can expect an absolute gem, but that it's sure to be an innovative approach which we'll have thrown on repeat in no time. Just yesterday we were elated to see one such track, which we've been waiting on for months, finally see it's release — with his unquestionably amazing take on Panama Wedding's All Of The People getting to see the light of day at long last. With a palatable deluge of house melodies providing a welcome lift to the originally airy, now tastefully chopped up vocals, it was no surprise waking up to this one swiftly climbing the charts after only a single day out. Enough talk now, go do yourself a favor and grab a copy of this shining beauty.

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