Kidnap Kid — Like You Used To

Kidnap Kid // Like You Used To

Somehow Black Butter keeps bringing the heat, and we couldn’t be happier. With artists like Gorgon City, Panda, and Clean Bandit on their roster, the UK label is starting to gain traction as one of the leading providers of quality bass music, bringing new acts into the mix on a frequent basis without letting up on quality. This time Sheffield native Kidnap Kid leads the pack, who despite having a relatively quiet 2013, shows a supreme talent for constructing raw and billowing atmospheres on his new track Like You Used To, the B-Side to equally brilliant tune Stronger that dropped mid-February. Slow and thoughtful piano notes resonate on blank static, providing a wonderful platform for an unknown singer’s touching falsetto and appeal to everyone’s softer side. And while Like You Used To and Stronger both share the Kid’s knack for perfectly dialed house percussion, the former adds some serious density through especially low and resounding bass notes, reiterating an air of uncertainty and tribulation. Stream both tracks below and be sure to double check his tour schedule, as there are upcoming dates all over the world!

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