The Soundmen — The Soundmen EP

The Soundmen EP At long last, we're able bring you the amazing self-titled debut EP from one of our favorite duos, Scott Durday & Justin Jamison, aka The Soundmen. There's not much we can say about these guys that we haven't yet, but we'll admit we're feeling pretty ecstatic to see all of their hard work pulled together into a complete package. One of the things we've always admired about them is their unique ability to create music that avoids the often overused temptations in dance music. They don't hold themselves to any specific genres or expectations, and without those constraints comes a style that has a certain sense of freedom and in turn presents pure enjoyment. With five tracks pulling together an eclectic lineup of influences from indie to electro, hip-hop to soul, and pop to house — featuring an unbelievably talented set of collaborators such as AVAN LAVA, Panic City, Queen Of Hearts, Rai Knight and more — it's easy to say there's something here for everyone.

We've featured a majority of the tracks on the EP through previous features, so we're just going to put the pair of new ones up in the spotlight here. On Games We Play the guys have teamed up with London's Queen Of Hearts, mixing unmistakably 80s-influenced drum kicks and synths, with robust vocals and a playful chorus of electro notes for a track completely singular to itself. In comparison, their collaboration with Brooklyn outfit AVAN LAVA, End Of Time, may sound a bit more subdued, yet the energy is there in full force — bringing smooth and sprightly beats in to combine with singer TC Hennes' whimsical falsetto voice, and creating a lively pop-infused number we really can't get enough of.

Hear each of the two tracks below, and get over to iTunes or Spotify to grab the whole EP. Trust us when we tell you, it's in your best interest to check it out in full.

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