Funk LeBlanc — Waves

Funk-LeBlanc---Waves This one slipped past us momentarily, but let us just say we're glad we came across it again because — what a tune. SF's Funk LeBlanc has dished out an ode to our wonderful city with Waves, a funky French house cut perfectly encompassing just how much we can miss the summertime here in San Francisco. It comes as part of his first EP Work Your Body, which is out now via Gimme More Sound, and includes both Waves plus the title track. Snappy drums kicks, shimmering synths, piano notes brimming with class, and incredibly on point vocal work join together for a joyous five minutes of carefree, unadulterated bliss. A comparison to the master, Breakbot, is a given, and both ears on Funk LeBlanc in the future is a must. Grab Waves, along with the rest of the EP, via the link below.

[soundcloud url="" params="color=0e76b6&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

