VÉRITÉ-Wasteland-CURT-REYNOLDS-Remix LA up–and–comers Ben Curtis and Tyler Reynolds, also known as CURT REYNOLDS, have continually caught our ear over the past six months through a slew of great remixes, originals and mixtapes. Today they've done it once again, with their ace new take on VÉRITÉ's Wasteland, which you can grab the first listen to now. The NYC singer–songwriter's delicate yet striking voice undoubtedly makes for remix gold, and the guys have done something special with it here, bringing the fresh approach we've come to know them for to what may be their best work yet. Elevating the original vocal with breezy house notes, lush layering and buoyant waves of bass, the duo make way for five minutes of sun on your face, feet tapping, carefree bliss.

If you've yet to put CURT REYNOLDS on your radar, now's the time, because they're bringing the heat and that's not looking likely to stop. Also, trust us when say don't miss VÉRITÉ live. She's on tour now, dates here.

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Cameron Brocksen