CS PREMIERE | Kid Astray — Still Chasing Nothing (Subtact Remix)

Still Chasing Nothing | Subtact Remix Today we've got something special, sure to set your week down just the right path. Back in February, Norwegian 6–piece Kid Astray released their then brand new single Still Chasing Nothing, a track taken from their forthcoming debut album and one that immediately saw much acclaim. Now it's our pleasure to be bringing you the premiere of producer Subtact's official remix of the tune, which sees him breathe new life into the original's infectious dance–pop framework. Pulling things into a more balmy atmosphere, he's given it a bright, bass–driven wash, complimented by an array of tantalizing notes and vibrant kicks. It's almost cinematic in it's appeal, beckoning us towards that carefree, summertime sentiment we can never get enough of, and expertly tying together the styles of both parties involved. Stream the remix in full below and enjoy.

You can pre–order Kid Astray's debut album Home Before The Dark, set for release June 15th via Cosmos, here.

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Cameron Brocksen