CS PREMIERE | Candide — Detract (Highly Remix)

Detract | Highly Remix For a couple of years now Candide, The Brooklyn/Berlin–based collaborative duo of Adam Brodsky and Candice Strongwater, have been turning out a steady stream of impressive releases, continually catching our ear through their effortless blend of styles and refreshing arrangements. So it goes without saying that we've been looking forward to seeing them put forth their new Detract EP, just released this month on May 19th. Today we're excited to get the new week started with a special premiere from the set, a remix of it's title track courtesy of fellow NYC dwellers Highly.

Pulling the original into an alternative climate, Miles Felix and Zach Isaac, otherwise known as Highly, have transformed the track from synth driven, guitar laden stunner into a vibrant and funky summertime jam — a sound, you may know, that's right up our alley. Candice's strong vocal work is given new life here, elevated through a mix of bubbling house beats and bright nu–disco flare, for a combination that's sure to set your mood to groove and mind to chill. Here's what we'd recommend; mix up a batch of mojitos, find a spot of sun, get those feet dangling in some warm waters and let this one take you away for awhile.

You can stream the tune in full below now, and pick up a copy of the fantastic EP here.

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Cameron Brocksen