THE JAM JAR 102 | Curated By Just Kiddin

JJ-JK-FIN It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for our artist curated edition of The Jam Jar once again, and this one's special. We've got none-other than UK duo Just Kiddin in the mix this week, delivering a collection of their favorite tracks of the moment. Having been massive fans and supporters of Laurie and Lewis' work for a long time now, often including their tunes as part of this feature in the past, we knew they'd do an ace job with their picks — pro tip: don't miss their brand new, essential original Getaway. So without further delay, we'll let the guys take over — dive in below!

Looking to listen to the whole set in a playlist? Do that here.

Thanks for having us Caveman Sound! We've been long-time fans of the blog and regularly check it to find out new music for ourselves. You've got a great taste in music and it feels awesome to be putting this together for someone who has supported us since day 1 - respect!

Jafunk & 9th Floor Funk Apartment — Up 2 U

This was the opening track in our recent 'Getaway' mixtape. We've both loved everything we've heard from Jafunk so far, he's one to watch for 2015.

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Ren Philips — So Much Love

Something a little deeper from our usual style, but we love them 80s synth riffs and the tropical vibe coming outta this one!

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Vestals — Inside my Soul

We're good friends with Tom (a.k.a Vestalus) and he gave us this tune about a year ago. If you've came to any of our sets since then, you've probably heard this tune. His whole EP is amazing and is available via Bandcamp for £1...bargain!

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Just Kiddin — Getaway

We've been eagerly waiting to get this one out to you! The title track from our free EP to kick of 2015.

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TCTS — Coupe de Ville

Fell in love since the moment we heard it. Sick new video too!

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Justin Faust — Spellbound

Been following Mr Faust for quite some time. This is one of our favourite productions from him to date.

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Michael Gray — Missing You

Played this one out loads last year. I love the african sample in it. Used to listen to his hit 'The Weekend' when I first started making music.

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Kingpin Cartel — Ghetto

That bass! Some feel good funk right here.

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Durante — Full Moon

Every time I play this tune out the reaction gets even better. It's something about the moon.

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Bearcubs — Touch (Panda Remix)

A coming together of two amazing producers. And it's a beautiful result.

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Big thanks to the guys for jumping on board with this. If you haven't already, tune into all things JK via the links below.


Cameron Brocksen