THE JAM JAR 100 | Volume One

THE JAM JAR 100-1-01 Today marks the centennial of our much loved Jam Jar series. We started this feature many months back as a way to highlight our top jams of the moment, putting up-and-coming artists right alongside established favorites, and we couldn't be happier with how things have come together. To everyone who's shared, praised, and danced to the Jam Jar in the past — thank you! Keep on keeping on, and we'll do just the same.

In order celebrate this landmark edition properly, we've doubled our usual playlist and broken in into two Volumes. The first brings a collection of groove heavy, feel-good Indie Dance and Nu Disco tunes your way. While the second looks to turn things up a notch, with a House and Garage influenced selection primed and prepped to get bodies moving.

Jumping into Volume One, killer jams are coming your way from Oliver Nelson, Tobtok, Viceroy, Tear Council and many more. Get the good below and enjoy!

And listen to the full playlist here.

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Cameron Brocksen