CS PREMIERE | Branded James — Balboa

Branded James | Balboa Branded James has been a familiar face around Caveman Sound for a number of years now. And with a track record so closely aligned to our style, including remixes of an ace selection of artists such as Colleagues, My Midnight Heart, How To Dress Well, and James Vincent McMorrow, plus a set of well received originals — that's really no surprise.

Today we're bringing the premiere of his new original, Balboa, a tasteful tune that only gets better with each listen. The LA-based, San Francisco-bred, producer has always had an affinity for merging the sounds of House and Nu Disco, working with a myriad of influences from each, and we see him do that in spades here. He's arranged a shuffled layering of beats and adept vocal chops, building an atmosphere that mixes the lushness of a tropical climate with a concrete jungle's sharp edges all at once. This one without a doubt affirms Branded James as a name to note for the coming year. Catch the stream and download below.

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