Sllash & Doppe — You Wanted To Love Me

The Romanian duo of Sllash and Doppe are back in the spotlight with a new song titled You Wanted To Love Me and boy is it a smooth one. Over the past couple of years the two cousins have created their following by churning out tech and dance-house remixes of artists like Robyn, Dirty Vegas and Michael Jackson. However, this latest release marks Sllash and Doppe's third consecutive original track and a further evolution of what the duo are becoming. You Wanted To Love Me is a somber and emotional ballad and is the kind of fearless exploration we love to see with emerging artists. Sllash and Doppe show us they're not afraid to stray from the dance club house that's gotten them this far and although they have a lot of work to do, we can't help but find similarities to Disclosure's "Help Me Lose My Mind" in this latest piece of work. High praise.

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