Wayward — Ugetsu EP

SF Even with all of it's endless hills and transportation innovations, San Francisco is a walking city. It's got just haphazardly enough of a layout, plus a history so colorful you could spend a lifetime learning about it, that there's constantly something new to discover on every exploration, regardless of how long you may have lived here.

A couple of weeks ago the London via Leeds duo of Lawrence Gale Hayes & Louis Greenwood, aka Wayward, released their debut EP Ugetsu, a 6-track set whose eclectically inventive style we find compliments adventure and exploration amazingly. From the lushly sampled, warm atmosphere of it's lead track Baile, the naturally blissful progression of Reverie, and Hurricane's funk-infused, alluring piano chords, to title track Ugetsu's brief yet reflective layers, Waver's unforgettable appeal, and the outright beauty that is Belize — creating one of the strongest follow throughs we've heard in awhile — the guys have put together what can only be described as a masterful production. As a whole we're invited to experience a worldly take on house music that's undeniably unique unto it's own, and which we've found ourselves enraptured with over the past number of weeks. With a debut release as impressive as this, we can't wait to see where Wayward takes their work in the future.

Don't hesitate to pick the EP up here, out now via one of our favorite labels Black Butter Records, and soak it in for all it's worth. Also, catch the brilliant video for Belize if you haven't yet.

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Cameron Brocksen