Overjoy — Monstrous

overjoy-monstrous We're back from a weekend of inebriation and infinite possibilities, but honestly, we're not quite ready to dive into a full work week yet. Luckily we've got a tasty treat to help ease us in, thanks to LA's Overjoy and their brand new single Monstrous. The duo, who've made strong appearances on the site in the past, have cooked up a sultry slice of groovy house vibes, subtly inducing daydreams of carefree days rolling unnoticed into nights full of that summertime high we can't seem to get enough of. The fluid mix of funky guitar riffs, seductive bass, and conspicuously sexy vocals have us dancing into our day feeling a whole lot fresher than we'd imagined, so we're sold. The tune is out now via a personal favorite imprint of ours, Sweat It Out!'s own Club Sweat. Get your fix.

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Cameron Brocksen