Body Language — Well Absolutely (American Royalty Remix)

 Body Language — Well Absolutely (American Royalty Remix) LA/Brooklyn three-piece American Royalty bring us an energetic slice of psych-pop on this fine Friday afternoon, through their recent remix of Body Language's excellent track Well Absolutely, off the band's new album Grammar. Solitary, playful vocals courtesy of singer Angelica Bess pull us in as we're swiftly encircled in a flurry of rattling, resounding bells and low-end bass kicks — putting a little bit of off-kilter funk in your step and a whole lot of dance in your heart. Snag a copy for free right here and get the weekend moving.

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We're just going to throw this essential 'classic' take on Body Language's Social Studies from Plastic Plates in here too, in case you missed it years ago, but mostly because WHAT A TUNE.

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Cameron Brocksen