Lane 8 — The One EP

Lane 8 | The One EP Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave for the last ten years (or just haven’t read our other post from today), there’s a very hefty chance you’ve already heard of British label Anjunadeep, founded by trance legends Above & Beyond and expanded to host dozens of artists from all walks of electronic music. They've secured a foothold as one of the most iconic imprints worldwide, and we couldn’t be more elated to witness our main man and fellow San Franciscan Daniel Goldstein, aka Lane 8, releasing his masterful new EP The One under such a prestigious umbrella. It's proof that great producers can certainly enter the big leagues with talent and persistence, and of course the proper credentials, as it’s been just a month since he put put out the unstoppable How I Feel as a guest single of sorts for feel-good dance label French Express. This time the tunesmith squanders all doubts of why he’s started to rack up thousands of plays, likes, and hearts, providing a comprehensive audio therapy package in the short span of two choice originals and a remix courtesy of labelmates Klangkarussell.

The title track, The One, eases us into a pleasant, head-nodding daze guided by light bells and reverberating synth waves, with added layers of slow-burning melodic lines tied together by sparse yet effective vocal appearances from the ever-talented Patrick Baker. This sets up B-Side Nothing You Can Say quite perfectly, which extends the dreamy vibe via meticulously placed pad notes and gentle kicks before bursting into a steady groove, this time featuring vocals from newcomer Lucy Stone that impose a lasting sense of bliss. Rounding out the trio and abandoning all delicacy however, is Klangkarussell’s take on lead track, who apply colossal vibrations to the original bass notes while warping the vocals, only ceasing the commotion to bridge two choruses with a buildup reminiscent of Anjunadeep’s trance-heavy roots. On the whole, the EP comes as both refined and dynamic albeit it's concise length, though we expected nothing less from such a gifted producer. Keep an eye out for it’s official release next week, and what's sure to be a fantastic year going forward for Lane 8.

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Cameron Brocksen