CS Premiere | Falqo — Across The Sea

Today we've got a special delivery for you coming all the way from the shores of Sydney, in the form of the latest offering from Aussie producer Falqo called Across The Sea. Upon pressing play, what graces our ears is a smooth sailing piece of multi–instrumental bliss. Falqo captures his affinity for live elements by collaborating with a handful of talented friends who've added whimsical guitar and slick bass lines to his own tasteful keys and rippling melodies. Kam Salamba of Olympic Ayres joins the effort as well, to take the track up a notch by adding his distinct vocals and an affecting set of lyrics that urge listeners to let the worries roll of their shoulders and go with the flow.

Across The Sea is up now on iTunes and Spotify, via newly minted imprint Surfin Wavs.

You can also grab a copy of Falqo’s recent single Sleepy Crusader (again featuring Kam Salamba) through UK label Soundplate.