Kiesza — Give It To The Moment (Cassian Remix)

GITTM-Cassian-Remix Just in case you haven't noticed, Cassian has been on an absolute roll lately. Actually though, when is that not the case? Past a set of ace remixes, an untouchable single in Feel It, and killing it on tour alongside RUFUS last month, the Aussie producer is back again with his take on Kiesza's Give It To The Moment featuring Djemba Djemba.

The remix comes as part of an official package in conjunction with Smirnoff Sound Collective, including reworks from artists hailing from five different continents, as an effort to spread the songs message across the globe. Cassian, clearly, was tasked with representing Australia, more specifically his hometown of Sydney, and has certainly played his part well. It's no secret he's been a long time favorite of ours, but all bias aside, he's smashed it out of the park with this one. That classic Cassian touch comes through in the form of a pristine house cut, anchored by lush synths and lively percussion sure to satisfy even the pickiest palates. Dig in below and enjoy.

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You should also have a listen to the aforementioned Feel It if you haven't yet, because it's too good.

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Cameron Brocksen