XYconstant — Silverlined (Ferdinand Weber Remix)

Silverlined | Ferdinand Weber Remix Silverlined, by UK producer XYconstant, was hands down was of our most played tracks of last year, so when we received a remix of it from our good friend Ferdinand Weber, let's just say it was love at first sound. The Berlin-based producer has us from the get-go, creating a subtly stunning rework through clusters of crisp percussion that carry throughout, sailing smoothy beneath uplifting vocal chops and catching synth notes. Now that we've got not one, but two versions of this brilliant tune in our collection, it's looking like things are going to get real repetitive over here — and that's just fine with us.

The remix is out soon via Pete Tong's FFRR label, a perfect fit if we do say so ourselves. For now, stream it in it's entirety below.

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And since we've got you, you should probably have a listen to Ferdinand's newly released single, What, as well. This one's an absolute essential as the summertime months approach.

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