Templeton — Better Represent

Templeton | Better Represent LA-based up-and-comer and good homie Templeton just let loose his brand new single today via Los Angeles imprint LAMP, and we've got to say it's quite the heater. Over the past year, the producer has been working to focus his sound, something we had a quick taste of on his remix for The Soundmen's Bermuda late last year, and we've been keen to hear that fully take shape since. A prime display of his adept talent, Better Represent brings that signature Templeton polish to a new level, sweeping us up in it's catchy flow and taking us on a swift ride through a series of layers and breaks. Bringing a clear 90s house influence, the track comes together with a blend of crips hi-hats and claps, hollow bass line, and irresistible vocal cuts that'll have you covered on any dancefloor. With such a strong entrance to the New Year, he's set the stage well for what we can hope to expect next, so keep your ears perked and grab a free download of the tune, here, in the meantime.

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