A-Trak ft. Andrew Wyatt — Push (E.A.S.Y. Remix)

tumblr_ml4b5ryJvT1qzsb00o1_1280 Throw three DMC World Champions plus an Andrew Wyatt vocal on a track and you've got us sold. A-Trak has been an early adopter of E.A.S.Y., made up of mix masters Shiftee and Enferno, and it's pretty clear why. The duo flip the Fool's Gold label-head's new single Push on it's head, holding nothing back and turning out their signature Future Bass, Jersey Club kicks for a prime display of #RealDJing that will have your weekend parties hyped in a snap.

Sneak a peak at the cuts comical live remix video as well, that gives us a look at both their live performance and a fully produced music video at once. We can definitely expect the future to hold big things from E.A.S.Y. The track is out today via Fool's Gold for free download, so be sure to snag a copy here.

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krqc8lsdQaQ&w=600&h=350]