Spycc — Other Lover Ft. HIGH HØØPS

Spycc | Other Lover ft. HIGH HØØPS You may not see Hip-Hop in it's raw form making an appearance on the site much, but just like any other music fanatics, there are few things better to us than a well executed flow. Case in point, this new collaborative jam between New Zealand based MC Spycc and NZ producer HIGH HØØPS. We've been on the HIGH HØØPS tip since we first came across his original heaters Sweet Touch, Keep Your Love Close, and Heatwave just over a year ago. And though Spycc's previously unknown in our space, his effortless verses on Other Lover have got us immediately hookedPulling together one part slinky poolside beats, one part clever vocal quips, and two full scoops of vibes, the pair have created a taste-spanning treat with this one. Better snag yourself a download and take note!

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