George Maple — Vacant Space

George Maple | Vacant Space First making a break when featured on Flume's Bring You Down, part of his self-titled debut album, London-based Australian songstress George Maple has continued to entrance listeners with such titles as Fixed, an immediately recognizable vocal on Snakehips' On & On, and most recently the seminal Talk Talk. Now she's out with a brand new single Vacant Space, co-produced by Flume and Russ Chimes, and ready to captivate our aural space once again. A steady rising soundscape of forward-thinking arrangements laid beneath Maple's exquisite vocals will have you wrapped up within the first few notes. The track comes as part of her Vacant Space EP, set for release via Future Classic on December 1st.

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Hear the aforementioned original Talk Talk as well if you haven't yet, alongside UK producer JackLNDN's excellent take on the track.

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