Just Kiddin — Thinking About It

Just Kiddin | Thinking About It Every so often a track will be released that we become instantly obsessed with. We've got it on constant loop, play it out in any and every situation, show it to all of our friends, sing it while cruising down the street — then realize two weeks later we haven't even posted about it. It happens. That being said, one such tune that's gone through all those motions, wholly consuming our airwaves with ease over the past couple of weeks, is Just Kiddin's Thinking About It. And it deserves all the spotlight it's been getting.

We've been supporters of the UK duo for a long time now, and there's never been any doubt in our minds that they'd reach great heights. But the guys have outdone themselves on this one. An inarguable instant classic, the track combines unique vocal cuts with lively house lines, creating that ideal fusion of both a relaxing and energizing vibe all at once. If this isn't soundtracking your summertime yet, trust us, it's about to be. The single is out now via Eton Messy, get your copy on Beatport here.

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